Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Obama: "Nothing Is Ever My Fault"

I happened across this blog post and it struck me that this nails the perfect re-election theme for Obama:

"Remember, Nothing Is Ever His Fault"
                 OBAMA 2012

Yeah, well...

So then we hear that Obama was talking to the Russian president today - and unfortunately for them both there was an open mike that overheard this:
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (apparently referring to Vladimir Putin) to give me space.
President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
And that, my friends, continues to strike the deepest fear into me: what Obama will be willing to do if he won in November and was no longer restrained by having to run for re-election again.

Gingrich said it well today: “So, I think the question for the President ought to be what is it you plan to give the Russians after the election,” he added. “Tell us now so the American people can decide whether or not that’s a future, a gamble that they want to take with their safety.”

And Romney: "Romney said he was “very concerned” about the president’s remarks, especially because they were made to a Russian leader. Russia is not a friendly character on the world stage and for this president to be looking for greater flexibility where he doesn’t have to answer to the American people in his relations with Russia is very, very troubling, very alarming,” he said. “I am very, very concerned."

Please take a few moments also to listen to this short radio interview of Romney talking to Hugh Hewitt about this.  Romney nails it.  The more I think about it, the more upset I am about what this reveals about Obama.  And the way the media tries to minimize it!  Good heavens, they spent a full day or more talking about interpreting an offhand comment by an AIDE to Governor Romney...and yet here is the President of the United States talking to the President of Russia with significant - and to me horrifying - content and the media is barely paying attention!  Are you kidding me?

UPDATE: read Mitt's written article, "Bowing to the Kremlin" and ask yourself who you want in charge of American foreign policy: Obama or Romney?  Not a hard question to answer for me.

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