Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Missouri and Puerto Rico...

Two contests coming up this weekend.  They are all important at this point.  Missouri holds county caucus meetings on Saturday.  In theory, Santorum holds advantages there with Midwest evangelicals being reluctant still to support Romney, but I know many good Missourians and the Romney campaign itself have been working very hard to change that.

What I hope voters in the Midwest and the South will understand is how important it would be for Republican efforts to defeat Obama and overturn Obamacare and pull us back from the brink of financial disaster, for them to give Romney victories.  There's no question Romney has been the best and most successful candidate to this point...but what would really allow Republicans to come together and united against Obama is a real show of support for Romney in these important regions of the country.

As important as Missouri is, Puerto Rico also has great significance for a couple of reasons.  First, of course, is delegates.  At the end of the day, Romney is the one who is in a position to get enough delegates to win the nomination; the question is: how soon can he get there?  Delegates are so critical, and they will come from the votes of individual voters in Puerto Rico and elsewhere.  The other reason is that Romney needs to build on his support among Latino voters, like he did in Florida.  Support from Latinos will help tremendously in November against Obama.

Romney has been forthright in his understanding and support of issues important to Puerto Rico, and Governor Fortuño has endorsed Mitt strongly.

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