Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Really? If you ever want a Class A demonstration about why politics so often appears to be (is?) a circus - and perhaps a key reason why many good, intelligent people would never dream of public service in politics - look no further than yesterday/today's brouhaha about a Romney aide using the term "Etch-A-Sketch" to describe transitioning from the party primaries to a general election mode.

It's great, I'm sure, for the sellers of actual etch-a-sketch toys, but unhelpful at best for the political process and for Republicans.

Consider this: what if every word you utter was dissected and criticized? Taken out of context? Twisted? Blown out of proportion? Now what if you were also judged by every word uttered by your friends? And those words taken out of context, twisted, and blown out of proportion? Yeah.

Keep this in mind: absolutely nothing has changed about Mitt Romney since yesterday. Every candidate - EVERY CANDIDATE - in this race has changed their position on one topic or another in their lives. Let's get over it. Romney is ultra reliable and steadfast and very effective at achieving what he sets out to do. THAT'S the reality. Not some toy or the twisted words of an admittedly stupid advisor.

By the way, follow this link and vote...yes, Mitt would be a conservative as president.

UPDATE: Thank heavens for Ann Romney and her sense of humor!  Here's her take on this nutty distraction:

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