Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gingrich Gone Postal

OK, so I'm seeing a whole flurry - nay, a freakin' BLIZZARD - of lies and distortions flying from Gingrich's mouth this morning; clearly trying to have an influence on the election in Florida without giving Romney and his team time to respond and set the record straight.

Spread the word out there - none of us should fall for this or let our fellow citizens fall for these either.

To see this flurry and some quick responses, you can look at the Corner (National Review Online).

Here's a short reading list:

- Gingrich tries to claim that all votes not for Romney are specifically against Romney and not him personally.  Convenient.  Turns our there are a lot more anti-Gingrich voters than anti-Romney ones.

- Gingrich tries to defend his work as a supposed "historian" for Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae ($1.6 million for this...really?) and bash Romney's work at Bain Capital.  Turns out most people don't buy Gingrich's line on this.

- One of a number of last second charges from Gingrich is the Romney opposes kosher food in rest homes.  Hmmmmm.  Not hard to see this charge is false.

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