Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Monday, July 30, 2012

This is How to Support Our Friends

It has been said by Obama's critics that he has become our apologizer-in-chief oversees.  No doubt geopolitics and foreign policy can be complex, and there has to be a continual review of our nation's relationships and interactions with nations and people around the world.  History is an important part of these relationships, and of course should be taken into account as we seek to both protect our own nation, and be a force for good in the world.  But Obama seems to act as though apologizing for America, criticizing or failing to support our best allies, and befriending or accommodating our enemies will somehow lead to a greater American influence in the world.

As Mitt Romney has chosen his visits and messages in his current trip abroad, he stands in great contrast to President Obama.  His first visit was to Great Britain, which had the advantages of showing support for our most important ally and highlighting Romney's great work for the 2002 Winter Olympics of Salt Lake City.  That some mild language of criticism of London's preparation for the Games was turned into a fuss I think is more a reflection of Britain's oversensitive and leftist politicians and press than any "mistake" by Romney, who said nothing more than honest people will admit is true and in a rather mild way in response to a direct question.  

His second visit - where he is now - is to Israel, our important ally and best democracy in the Middle East. Where Obama has been critical and offish to Israel and accommodating to its enemies, Romney has shown what it means to be a true friend and ally.  Watch this powerful speech below, and read a short report on it here.

Next will be his trip to Poland - in what may be the most meaningful and emotional of the three stops. Poland - one of our most important new allies in the post Cold Ward world.  Poland - who stands boldly and independently in support of freedom and democracy and against tyranny right in the shadow of Russia.  Poland - who has been neglected and left in the cold by the Obama administration - which has sought to coddle Russia despite its attempts to dominate and control those nations in its region which it formerly brutalized as part of the Soviet Union.

Poland and the U.S. should be the best and strongest of allies, and yet Obama has left them in the dust.

Watch the video above of his speech in Israel - it gives me the greatest confidence that Mitt Romney can lead us effectively to greatness in the world.  America is ready for a comeback with Romney in the White House.

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