Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Doing Your Research...

It seems that deception and sleight-of-hand are too often a part of politics.  Unfortunately, the Obama administration seems to be practicing this "ancient art" heavily in this campaign.  In 2008, Obama was a relatively new and untested quantity, and could paint an uncrowded "hopeful" landscape uncluttered by reality.  Now, of course, he has four years of reality he has to deal with, and it is unflattering at best - horrifying at worst in some areas.  So, he and his campaign are trying constantly to deflect attention from his record by distracting and trying to point fingers at Romney for many small and old and even made-up issues.  Our job as educated voters, I think, is to learn enough not to get suckered by all this.

Below are a couple of sound bites and links to information that can give you a quick reminder or update in some of these areas.  A couple are from the RNC; they've done a nice job collecting and presenting this information.  Enjoy!

A timeline "History of Obamacare" as a reminder of the tortured way it was presented, passed, and defended by Obama and his team, and the fact that it has been unpopular before, during, and since the debate and remains unpopular with the American people.

And here is a banner-link to a resource that shows how many of the jobs from Obama's government-funded stimulus have gone oversees.  In an integrated world economy, you would expect some of this to happen, but this has some calling Obama our "Outsourcer-in-Chief" - and it highlights Obama's hypocrisy in trying to falsely accuse Romney's former company, Bain, of outsourcing jobs overseas:

Click here to see where all the money and jobs have gone under Obama.

The Obama campaign's false ads and statements about Romney and Bain Capital led Romney supporter, John Sununu, to this in an interview with Andrea Mitchell:
Sununu: “The outsourcing issue really causes two problems for President Obama. One: It underscores his dishonesty. The ad they were running – which all the independent fact-checking groups have said is dishonest – ends with President Obama saying “I’m President Obama and I approve this message.“ It should say, “I’m President Obama and I approve this dishonest message.” And the second problem he has with outsourcing is that there is a huge amount of outsourcing which was driven by Obama policy. The money – the $500 million they gave to FISKAR – created jobs in Finland. The solar energy grants they gave created jobs in Mexico. The wind turbine grants they gave created jobs in Denmark. So, the point that I think is really interesting is that the outsourcing issue underscores how few smarts there are in this White House and in this Obama campaign – that they expose themselves to the response criticism that I think – unlike what Mr. Cilliza said – is going to end up making this a winning issue for Mitt Romney."
 We need to keep our eye on the ball in this campaign and be able to see through the Obama team distractions.  We can do this...

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