Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Friday, January 27, 2012

Strong Debate Moves Ball Downfield

Mitt had a strong debate last night both in his own defense and in pointing out some of Newt's problems.  It was a good time for a good performance, but still several days to go before the Florida primary vote.  If you are a debate geek, or even a wannabe debate geek (ok, even if you aren't either), check out this interesting debate analysis.  Good stuff.

One point that will require a more thorough analysis (and probably repeated analysis)...Romney's history and position on the Massachusetts health care law ("Romneycare") compared with Obamacare, and whether Mitt can make the strong case for repeal of Obamacare.

On the one hand, it is true that Massachusetts required citizens to buy into some form of insurance, not unlike the Obamacare requirement that many Americans dislike, even detest.  On the other hand, Romney makes the point that it's one thing in our federal system for a state to do this - another thing entirely for a one-size-fits all universal federal requirement.

What may be missed in some analysis I've seen (including Santorum's hits on Romney in the debate last night on this issue) is that while Romney may not be in a position to come in as the "knight on a white horse" on this issue and take the pure case to the country on that aspect of health care law (mandated health insurance purchase), he can otherwise be a very powerful voice on the subject if he chooses to and communicates well and clearly.  He clearly understands the subject, and can argue that some goals of Obamacare are worthy but the approach is wrong.  In particular he can voice the powerful argument that not only should it not be a universal federal solution, but that it will break the national bank if pursued.  There must be a better alternative, and he needs to have a plan and be able to argue it powerfully.

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