Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"What America Needs is Jobs...Lots of Jobs"

The talker, or the doer?  Image or substance?  What do you want from our next president?  Mitt Romney's entire life and career has consisted of challenges overcome, promises kept, and failing enterprises turned around.  Obama?  Promises...unfulfilled.  Take a few minutes to watch:

As we hear more of the "same 'ol" from the Democratic National Convention, compare the lofty rhetoric to Obama's actual record.  And remember these comments from Mitt Romney last week:
"That is why every president since the Great Depression who came before the American people asking for a second term could look back at the last four years and say with satisfaction: "you are better off today than you were four years ago."  Except Jimmy Carter. And except this president.  This president can ask us to be patient.  This president can tell us it was someone else's fault.  This president can tell us that the next four years he'll get it right. But this president cannot tell us that you are better off today than when he took office. Americans have been patient. Americans have supported this president in good faith.  But today, the time has come to turn the page."
And one last...and I recommend to you, as Romney responds to the DNC and Obama's messaging efforts:

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