Can You Fix It?

"I looked him in the face and I asked him one thing. I said, can you fix this?" Foxworthy said. "And he did not blink, he said 'yes, I can.'"

Friday, June 29, 2012

Your Liberty...If You Can Keep It

I'm in the middle of an "absorbing and processing mode" with regard to the Supreme Court decision yesterday upholding the individual mandate/penalty of Obamacare.

In the meantime, this is a good place to start if you have a moment.  It's now very clear: the ONLY hope we now have to avoid the pervasive and terrible effects Obamacare will have on our personal liberty and our national solvency is for Romney and the Republicans to win in November.  Even then it will be a tremendous challenge.  But it is now our only hope.  Let's not forget that and let it motivate us to work harder than ever between now and election day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are You Kidding Me, NBC?

We better watch the media like a hawk - they have shown no trustworthiness in my opinion in terms of being fair.  Watch'll be amazed at what NBC tried to get away with.  Every time I watch this it makes me feel more...what's the word?  Disgusted?  Angry?  Frustrated?  Wow.

Friday, June 15, 2012

What Do You Hear When He Speaks?

Funny video, but makes an important point about what we hear when we hear Obama speak:


Thursday, June 7, 2012

All Hail, Wisconsin!

The ramifications of the loss by Democrats in their attempt to recall Governor Scott Walker for taking on unions and balancing the Wisconsin state budget are still being analyzed, but I believe it is an indicator of another tide going against Obama, and in favor of Romney.

Check this editorial by Karl Rove, for example.  Walker and the Republicans of Wisconsin were persuasive to and got the votes of many more voters than they had when Governor Walker was first elected.

It was discouraging - once again - to see how biased the initial media coverage (and the exit polling done) on this election result.  The early headlines at least reported that Walker was projected to win, but based on the exit polls (who designs and runs these, anyway?) they thought it would be close.  It wasn't.  Which means these polls were not trustworthy.  AND YET...the media continued to act as though they were valid on a separate point, which is that the voters polled were reported to favor Obama over Romney by several points in the November election.

Should it be that difficult for the media to suspect that if these polls were so wrong on the margin of victory for Gov. Walker, they are likely to have been wrong about the Obama v Romney question?

WSJ on Obama's Terrible Jobs Record

With Obama's team trying all the time to spin his terrible economic record, the Wall Street Journal gives us this excellent statement of the actual records of Obama vs. Romney:
Several weeks ago Mr. Obama focused his jobs argument on the company that Mr. Romney founded, Bain Capital. Employment growth is usually a byproduct of a firm's successful pursuit of profit. But it's become clear that even by the most conservative estimates, Bain has helped create more than 100,000 jobs by making companies grow.
This is especially embarrassing for the White House because, according to the seasonally adjusted jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its household survey, 100,000 is the total net increase in U.S. jobs since January 2009 when Mr. Obama took office.
To appreciate how anemic this figure is, remember that there are more than 313 million Americans, and the U.S. population grows by more than two million people every year. So according to one government measure of job growth, the entire U.S. economy during the Obama Administration has not matched the business founded by Mitt Romney even three years after the recession ended.
Many economists put more stock in the government's so-called establishment survey. But that shows not a small gain but a decline of more than 550,000 jobs during the Obama era.
Spread the's going to take a lot of us sharing accurate information with friends and family to counter the Obama disinformation machine.